Author Guidelines


Please follow the instructions given below carefully to ensure that the submission and review is prompt and efficacious. After the thorough review, the editors will have the right to send the article back to the authors if it is not written in accordance with the journals guideline.

Contact the Editorial Office

Please send an email to the following email address if you have any queries:

General Format
  • File type (save in .doc format)
  • Font/ Font size (Times New Roman/ 12)
  • Line spacing (1)
  • All figures (include relevant captions)
  • All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
  • Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
  • Separate files for:
      Title page
      Manuscript (with no author details)
  • Figure legends
  • Please ‘spell-check’ and ‘grammar check’ documents before submission.
  • Please introduce the non-standard abbreviations at the first occurence.
  • We highly encourage authors to submit supplementary videos for submission.
    Title page information
  • Name and family name
  • Arrange in sequence of author list
  • Affiliations with full postal addresses, including country name and email address.
  • Format:
      Abc xyz, Dhulikhel Medical Update, Dhulikhel, 45210, Kavre, Nepal
Specific Format
Case Report
  • Word limit (1500 words excluding the abstract and references)
  • References (A maximum of 15 references)
  • Patient consent form (Click here)
  • Structuring:
      Abstract (within 150 words)
    • Keywords (3-6; must be present in MeSH)
    • Introduction (not more than 150 words)
    • Case Report
    • Discussion
    • References (Vancouver)
    • Figure legends
Case Series
    • Word limit (2500 words excluding the abstract and references)
    • References (A maximum of 20 references)
    • Patient consent form (Click here)
    • Structuring:
        Abstract (within 150 words)
      • Keywords (3-6; must be present in MeSH)
      • Introduction (not more than 150 words)
      • Case Series (Case 1, Case 2)
      • Discussion
      • References (Vancouver)
      • Figure legends
Original Articles
  • Word limit (3000 words excluding the abstract and references)
  • References (A maximum of 30 references)
  • Structuring:
      Structured Abstract (within 150 words)
      • Background
      • Methods
      • Results
      • Conclusion
    • Introduction (not more than 150 words)
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • References (Vancouver)
    • Figure/Table
'How do we do it' articles
  • Articles should be set out to make the process easier for the user to follow.
  • Structure (Total Word Limit: 1,500 words)
        • Abstract: Limited to 150 words
        • Keywords
        • Introduction (150 words)
        • Principle of the procedure
        • General Setup
        • Procedure
        • Conclusion
        • Reference Limit: 15
    • Figure/Table Limit: 3 color figures and/or tables

We encourage authors to send supplementary multimedia materials (up to 5 photographs and video of less than 5 minutes length) which can be embedded along the articles. There will be a link to the materials along the manuscript

Student DMU
  • We invite medical students to submit their articles related to their experience in the medical field, career options, and medical education.
  • Word limit (1000 words)
  • References (A maximum of 5 references) 
  • Upon receipt of a manuscript submitted for publication at DMU, editors from DMU will contact the corresponding/ submitting author. 
  • Please note that DMU retains the permission to reproduce the copyright material for printing and online publishing, once the manuscript has been accepted for publication.